Monday, April 25, 2005


*book titles that are associated with Jen:- Sweet Jen, The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen, Jen-X, Jen the Hen...etc* LOLz
jeni @ blogger

Cool flash application! I discovered through my friend this cute thing called Amaztype which apparently, is a typographic book search application using Amazon web services (actually music, videos and DVDs are also applicable). Design and created by Keita Kitamura & Yugo Nakamura.

How does it works? You just type in a word in the 'Search Word' box and Waaa la! The result will appear in the form of your search word... and i mean literally. In my case, i typed Jen and books title associated with that word appears in the form of.... well..... Jen :P Superbly impressive and fun to play with - especially the search result part where books images pop up here there everywhere. Then when you put your cursor over a particular book and click it, the book enlarges and brief details of the book pops out.

This is an example of what Manovich said as "phenomenon of Flash graphics on the Web" in his article Generation Flash.

Source: Riz Ainuddin, Yugop NewsFeed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey people do send me your link of the amaztype that u trieD and it's hilariouS...share it with others :)

Monday, May 02, 2005 5:55:00 PM  

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